제목테헤란(Tehran)의 코로나19 방역에 대한 대응과 그림자(구기연)2021-09-15 14:34
작성자 Level 8
  • 주    제: 테헤란(Tehran)의 코로나19 방역에 대한 대응과 그림자
  • 저    자: 구기연(HK연구교수)
  • 게재지: 중동연구 40권 1호
  • 발행일: 2021년 6월
  • 초   록
    This study analyzes the progress of COVID-19, trend of patient outbreaks, and the COVID-19 control system of Tehran, the capital of Iran and a global metropolis. Especially, this study examines the disease control system that seeks to battle COVID-19 in national and city scales as well as the promotion materials for disease control and their social significance. Also, it surveys Iran’s situation in vaccine development and vaccination, and examines Iran’s vaccination response through the controversies in Iran around vaccines. The study looks into Tehran’s situation where Iran’s COVID-19 curve was drawn, and discusses the social and political causes that led to Iran’s initial failure in response and later fallback in failing to control the spread of the disease. This study delves into Tehran’s disease control system to examine the vulnerability in the response to COVID-19 in the global metropolis which is the political and administrative center of Iran. This study has the significance as an analysis of Tehran’s and Iran’s situation and progress in the COVID-19 pandemic as well as a comparative study of examining the trends and responses to COVID-19 in global cities.

원문링크: 테헤란(Tehran)의 코로나19 방역에 대한 대응과 그림자 (kci.go.kr)