- 주 제 : The Rise of Pacific Powers in the 19th Century Capitalist World-System and China’s Incorporation Process
- 저 자 : 유성희(HK연구교수)
- 게 재 지 : 한국사회학 56집 2호
- 발 행 일 : 2022년 5월
- 초 록
This paper seeks to find the roles of Pacific powers in China’s incorporation process. So far, China’s incorporation process into the modern world-system has been interpretation as being controlled by European powers. However, this is only one aspect of the relationship in the modern world-system in the 19th century. To delve into the 19th century China’s unprecedented juncture led by the expansion of the capitalist world economy, I highlight the roles of Pacific powers like Russia, the United States, and Japan. To that end, I show how the Pacific powers newly emerged in the 19th century and investigate how each Pacific power influenced China’s incorporation process during the long 19th century.