제목The International Norms of Women’s Human Rights and Feministic Trends in the Islamic Region: Focusing on Cases of Afghanistan and Iran2023-02-15 12:36
작성자 Level 8
  • Title : The International Norms of Women’s Human Rights and Feministic Trends in the Islamic Region: Focusing on Cases of Afghanistan and Iran
  • Author : KOO Giyeon
  • Journal : Asia Review
  • Publication Date : April, 2022
  • Abstract
    The US military announced its retreat from Afghanistan after two decades despite having emphasized the war with Afghans being “a fight for the rights and dignity of women”. The Taliban, which seemed to have disappeared into history, immediately seized Kabul, and the Afghan government was turned over at an astonishing speed. With the news of the Taliban occupation, an international society is concerned for the women of Afghanistan. The scars have been unveiled again in 20 years, as the closed and oppressed images of Muslim women symbolized by the burqa. Then, in terms of the rights of Muslim women, in what ways do parts of the Islam society go against the basic norms of women's human rights held by international society? Also, what is at the center of the feminism debate within the Islam cultural sphere? This study seeks to examine the discussions around Islam and feminist theories and to introduce “Islamicite Feminism” as a new alternative. Through cases of Afghanistan and Iran, this study will investigate the conflicting points with the international norms of women’s human rights focusing on the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). Thus, this study will cast a light on the problem of women in the Islamic world as well as introduce subjective voices of Muslim women up against dispute, violence, and discrimination.