[Data Storytelling Cluster Workshop] The Development of Ancient Maps and Understandings of the World

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Modern maps are created according to the purpose of use, but old maps are described as a mixture of images and languages ​​mixed with various information. The history of ancient maps can be seen as having started with the translation of Greek into Arabic, which flourished throughout the 8th to 10th centuries in Baghdad. Continents were expressed as a map in T-O format and later transformed into a list map.

Maps have a geometric structure that reflects the knowledge and thoughts of the creator, and there are many things that are omitted from the map. Also, it shows the hierarchical order of reproduction. In particular, as these knowledge and ideas were reflected, the map was used as the most active political tool to redefine ‘territorial ownership’, ‘historicity of land’, and ‘indigenous people’s identity’ in the process of colonial rule.