Researcher Bio

Jung Hoon Lee’s research covers the areas of modern literature, culture, and knowledge exchange in East Asia with a focus on China. Starting from the study of contemporary Chinese literature, the scope of his research has been expanded to the cultural phenomena, films and discourse on knowledge, while also examining how modern literature and knowledge has been translated and mutually accepted in East Asian regions such as Korea, Japan and Taiwan. Lee is also interested in East Asian theory and has explored critical views of intellectuals in East Asian countries on the Western modern model and the discussion of alternative visions in the intellectual community in a common regional and cultural bias. Approaching the overall cultural phenomenon of modern East Asia from the perspective of comparative culture and comparative ideology rather than from a national perspective has been driven by the HK+ Mega Asia research project agenda of dynamism and data-telling and the detailed topic of Asia. There has been significant accumulation of prior research conducted on comparative regional studies as well as the methodological results derived from the review of Northeast Asia focusing on Korea, China, and Japan that have been applied to other Asian regions such as Southeast Asia, South Asia, West Asia, and Central Asia. Lee is confident that his research will increase productivity as he is examining recent research results related to the Mega-Asia research project, namely literature and cultural research in modern China.